Nadi Chapters

Nadi Chapters

Chapter -1

General Chapter

With the thumb impression (men right. women left) the Sacred Palm Naadi leaf written dunng the ancient times by Saint Agasthiya will be identified containing the name of the native. mother and father's name. family and birth details, profession, marriage, luck of having children, longevity, debt, disease, enmity, court case, land, house, property and other important prosperthes in brief (the predictions of all the 12 chapters in short). This General Chapter is compulsory prior to seeing other chapter.

Chapter - 2

Family Life Chapter

Financial state, family Iife, soft and talent in speech, clear eye sight, problem in eyesight, higher education, field of graduation, obstacles in education and less marks and will elaborately brief the remedial measures to overcome these Problems.

Chapter - 3

Siblings Chapter

Number of brothers and sisters, relationship, affection, hatred, separation, competition, enmity and the benefits and assistance from them, state of ears, shortfalls in hearing, courage, vigor and manliness activities and will elaborately brief the remedial measures to overcome these problems.

Chapter - 4

Mother's Chapter

Mother, mother's health, longevity, affection, hatred, feelings, land, buildings, acquiring vehicle and unwanted expenditure due to vehicle, pleasure, agricultural field, irrigation, ancestral properties from mother's side and assistance through that and will elaborately brief the remedial measures to overcome these problems.

Chapter - 5

Children Chapter

Blessing to have children, obstacles in having children, affliction, shortfalls in conjugal pleasure, fertility problems to women, reasons for not having children, health, education, future fife, longevity of children, good and evil effects through children, their patronage during the old age of the native and will elaborately brief the remedial measures to overcome these problems.

Chapter - 6

Opponents Case Chapter

The problems that are being experienced related to debt, enmity, complications due to court through opponents, health related problems and will elaborately brief the remedial measures to overcome various problems in the life.

Chapter - 7

Marriage Chapter

Marriage, the time of marriage, the identifications of the bade/bridegroom such as direction, name, details, first, mid or lastbom, distance, education, profession, the state of parents, horoscope details, siblings, either relation or newcomer, the identification in the physique, location of house, landmark in the place of living, love or arranged marriage, and reason for obstacles in the marriage, the affliction and reason for the same and will elaborately brief the remedial measures to overcome these problems.

Chapter - 8

Longevity Chapter

Exact life span and longevity upto what age, the accident and threat to life dunng the life span, and will brief in which year, month, day, star, ascendant the death would occur and will elaborately brief the remedial measures to overcome the intermittent threats to life.

Chapter - 9

Father's Chapter

Father, father's health, longevity affection, hatred, feelings, temple visit, spiritual preceptor's guidance, who would be the preceptor, the state of his name, at what age his blessings would be obtained, spiritual charitable service, temple construction, temple renovation, spiritual post, capability of rendering spiritual discourses as a spiritual preceptor, capable of predicting things before hand, will be elaborately briefed.

Chapter - 10

Profession Chapter

What would be the nature of profession? Business venture, Government job, foreign employment opportunity, change of place of profession, partnership business, promotion in job, lucky direction for gaining profits in profession, quitting of job, loss, disappointment and will elaborately brief the remedial measures to overcome these problems.

Chapter - 11

Profit Chapter

The ways and means for gaining profits, profits through good luck, second marriage details, the time of second mamage, the identifications of the briderbndegroom such as direction, name details, profession, horoscope details, either relation or newcomer, whether married earlier or not, and reason for obstacle in the marriage, affliction and reason for the same and will elaborately brief the remedial measures to overcome these problems.

Chapter - 12

Expenditure Chapter

Infructuous expenditure, the reason for unwanted expenditure, luck of employment opportunity in overseas, politics, art, whether attain emancipation during present birth, next lifetime, place of birth, nature of life and will elaborately brief the remedial measures to overcome the problems.

Chapter - 13

Shanthi Chapter

The place of birth during one of your previous lifetimes, identification of name, good and bad deeds during that birth, the problems and impediments being experienced during present lifetime due to that, to eliminate the evil effects of the sins committed the temple remedies to be performed and involvement in charitable and philanthropic acts will be elaborately briefed.

Chapter - 14

Dheeksha Chapter

To overcome the obstacles in carying out the activities. impediments in the progress of profession, profit disproportionate to the labor, loss, financial loss, financial complications, impediments in enjoying good lucks hurdles in gaining wealth due to evil eyes cast, competition, jealousies, black magic and curses of ancestors and to lead a prosperous life.

Chapter - 15

Medicine Chapter

The herbal medicine and herbs to be used for the incurable diseases, the place of availability of medicinal plants, way of taking them, diets will be elaborately briefed.

Chapter - 16

Major & Minor Period Chapter

The prosperity as per present major and minor period and future major and minor period and the relevant remedial measures will be elaborately briefed.

Chapter - 17

Prasana Chapter

The predictions and solutions through Jeeva Naadi will be elaborately given for the problems prevailing at present, the unexplainable struggle, vacillated state of mind in taking decision. the worship procedures of family God (for those not knowing about their family God)

Chapter - 18

Newborn Child Chapter

With the birthstar of the newborn child, the good and evil effects, threats to life, afflictions, good lucks for mother, father uncle, grandfather, grandmother, aunt will be briefed, Boni with umbilical cord around neck, birth and death simultaneously, reason for the carne and bodily growth of the child will be briefed.

Chapter - 19

Blessings Chapter

The details regarding spiritual state, Blessings of Lord, Blessings of Spiritual Preceptor, Blessings of Family God, the spiritual questions related to fasting, temple worship procedures, food feeding to poor will be elaborately briefed.

Chapter - 20

Peace to Soul Chapter

The details whether the souls of the ancestors rest in peace will be ascertained and the ways and means for Athma Santhi will be elaborately briefed.

Chapter - 21

Afflictions through Creatures Chapter

The afflictions through house lizards, crows, snakes and animals, This will elaborately brief the ways and means to overcome these difficulties.

Chapter - 22
Guacharo Kandam

Chapter - 23
Guacharo Shanthi

Chapter - 24
Guacharo Dheeksha

Chapter - 25
Prasna Chapter

Chapter - 26
Prasna Shanthi

Chapter - 27
Prasna Dheeksha

Chapter - 28
Political Kandam

Chapter - 29
Political Shanthi

Chapter - 30
Political Dheeksha

Chapter - 31
Athma Visarana

Chapter - 32
Athma Shanthi

Chapter - 33
Newborn child Chapter

Chapter - 34
Peace to soul Chapter

Chapter - 35
Afflictions through Creatures Chapter